Frequently Asked Questions

Community Service

Bridges to Success Community Service and Workshop FAQs

Can I change my location in the middle of the year?

No. The location you indicate on the community service contract is for an entire academic year (fall and spring only).

TIP  Make sure you have already contacted and signed up with your location before you submit your contract. If you submit your contract before contacting your location, and you find out later that you are unable to volunteer at the site, it will create issues with you trying to change locations with the Bridges office.

Do we have to do community service and workshops during summer term?

No. Unless you have been mandated by an advisor.

Can I pick any locations on my own?

Yes and No. You are allowed to choose your own location as long as it is from the approved community service list available on the Bridges website.

TIP  Pick a location associated with your academic or career goals. For example, if you want to go to medical school then pick a hospital or medical center to volunteer.

Spend time looking through the list and do research about the location (i.e. Read over their website, call their offices and ask questions, etc.). Do not pick a location randomly.

Can I roll over hours and/or workshops from last semester into this semester?

No. All hours and workshops must be completed in their respective semester.

TIP  Do no attempt to complete all hours for the year in a few weeks. This will not be accepted and you will only burden yourself more.

Is the Degree Pathway Workshop listed on the Bridges website considered a workshop?

No. The Degree Pathway Workshop (Soon to be named Transition Planning Seminar) is a required workshop for upcoming graduates. It is not counted as a workshop.

Can I do my Community Service hours with Valencia Volunteers?

No. Valencia Volunteers often offers volunteer opportunities for campus events. These events are considered services to the college and we highly recommend and encourage students to participate. However, since they are not considered service in the community they cannot be used towards community service hours.

TIP  Use the community service list from the Bridges website. 

Do I have to choose only workshops from the Skillshop Handbook?

No. Valencia College offers many workshops not listed in the Skillshop Handbook. As long as the workshop you attend is associated with the college and teaches you something fundamental you can attend. Valencia College often sends these special workshops via e-mail and/or on the Valencia College website.

If you are interested in attending a workshop offered at another college (i.e. Rollins College, UCF, etc.), please inquire first with your Bridges advisor.

TIP  Be sure to pick Skillshops and workshops that are meaningful to you. Do not wait till the last minute to do random workshops. Be thoughtful with the workshops you choose. Ask yourself, “Does this pertain to my academic/career goals”? “Will this workshop help in reaching a short term/long term goal?”


Does my Bridges Presentation count as one of my required workshops? (New Students Only).

I forgot my Bridges workshop form, but they handed out flyers at the Skillshop. Can I just turn that in as proof that I attended?

No. You can attach them to your workshop form if you’d like, but you still should have the Bridges workshop form completed and signed by the presenter.

I forgot to have my Bridges workshop form signed. Can the Bridges department contact the presenter and ask to confirm my attendance on their sign-in sheet?

No. It is very important that you remember to have the workshop form with you because advisors will not be able to do this time consuming research for you.

TIP  Print 4 copies of the workshop form in the beginning of the semester and keep them in your main school folder. That way you should always have it with you no matter what.

TIP  Do not try and “re-create” the form on paper while you are sitting in the presentation. Also, do not have the presenter sign a piece of paper as an attempt to show attendance. This will not be accepted. Be prepared, plan ahead and be professional.

I went to a Skillshop, but it was cancelled. Can I still receive credit?

No. We are unable to give credit for Skillshops that you did not attend.

TIP  Plan ahead and do not wait for the last minute to attend your workshops. 

Where do I find out when Skillshops/Valencia workshops are offered?

Student Development releases a booklet every semester. They are available in the Student Development office, advising offices, West Campus Bridges office, and online.

All Bridges Presentations are available on the Bridges website under “Calendar”.

UCF Direct Connect workshops are available on the Valencia Website.

TIP  Plan ahead because some dates are subject to change, so make sure you have back-up Skillshops already planned in the event a Skillshop is cancelled. Also, arrive to the Skillshop early in the event the time might have changed. Coming early gives you enough time to adapt to the situation.