Associate Faculty Certification

Valencia's Office of Faculty and Instructional Development welcomes you to be a part of a professional development program designed specifically for part-time faculty members. The Office of Faculty and Instructional Development, a division of Academic Affairs, supports all faculty members as they expand their professional practices and examine their ongoing development of the Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator. The intention of Valencia’s Faculty Development program is to engage teachers, scholars and practitioners in continuous improvement processes that result in student learning.

We invite you to participate in all of our courses and programs, each designed to enhance your teaching practice and student learning, while also providing an opportunity to become a part of a collaborative, innovative teaching community. We offer many opportunities, including face-to-face seminars, individual and group consultations, peer observation of teaching sessions, mixed-mode and online courses. Courses are designed and facilitated by Valencia experts...your colleagues.

Faculty Development courses, resources and programs give faculty members the opportunity to network with campus and college-wide colleagues, engage in meaningful discussions about learning-centered topics, develop strategies to create an effective learning environment for all instructional modalities, and develop a growing expertise in the seven Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator. These competencies are:

  • Assessment
  • Inclusion and Diversity
  • Learning-centered Teaching Practices
  • LifeMap
  • Professional Commitment
  • Outcomes-based Practice
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

How to Begin

Create your plan for development today! Whether you are looking for a single course or interested in working towards a certificate program, you can begin by taking one or more of the following steps:


Certification Planning Document

The Associate Faculty Certification Planning Document provides a list of required and optional courses which can be used to plan your certification or program.