State Assessment Meeting

Natasha Jankowski

Featured Presenters

June, 2013
Orlando, FL

Dr. Natasha Jankowski

About Dr. Jankowski

Dr. Natasha Jankowski, Assistant Director and Research Analyst at the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) will join us for the State Assessment Meeting. Her focus will be on the meaningful use of data drawing from her own research studies and experience in the field, as author of several national reports, most recently “Using assessment results: Promising practices of institutions that do it well” (2012) and book chapters such as “Presenting learning outcomes assessment results to foster use” in the Handbook Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education (2012.)


"Showing an Impact"

"Using Assessment Results to Improve Student Learning”

How do we know that our students are meeting the competencies or acquiring the learning which we desire of them as an institution? How do we make changes that lead to enhanced student learning, and can we? This presentation, informed by institutional examples, discusses how to use evidence of student learning to improve, not just to make changes, but to track changes to see if they actually lead to improvements in student learning. How to communicate changes and improvements in meaningful ways to internal and external audiences will also be discussed along with recommendations on how to build the use of results for improvement into a cycle of assessment or planning cycle to move toward an impact on student learning for all students.