Counseling Services
Welcome to Counseling Services! Our dedicated team provides a blend of emotional and academic support to help you thrive. Feeling stressed, worried, or just need someone to talk to? Counselors are here to listen and offer solutions. From short-term interventions to academic strategies for success, we're all about helping you succeed. Counselors can connect you with resources at the college and in your community.
If you're looking for mental health therapy, counselors can refer you to experts who can provide the help you need. Plus, we make learning about common student challenges fun and engaging through our events and programs. Think of us as your partners in success – let's make your time journey at Valencia College amazing together!

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it’s time to start talking about it.

Join us as we support your personal and academic growth through our counseling events and programming, and Skillshops.

Counseling Services is available to support you.