

Credit Registration Report by Report Year (End of Term)

Day-to-day and previous year comparisons on headcount, FTE, and semester hours produced on a regular schedule during the registration period.

FTE (Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment) by Report Year (End of Term)

FTE comparisons for current and previous year. Includes credit and noncredit FTE. Also includes Reference Table matching State Instructional Discipline and Valencia College Course Prefix. Generated two times per term-Beginning of Term data is replaced when End of Term data is available.

High School Feedback Report - Valencia College Service District (Fall Term Only )

Executive summary and number of students from Orange and Osceola county public high schools who attended Valencia College during Fall Term in the following categories:  dual enrolled, PYHSG, honors, scholarships awarded, dean's & president's list, mandated into College Prep, Tech Prep, retention during Spring Term, attended, and graduated from Valencia College. Individual reports produced for Orange and Osceola County in addition to a combined Service District Report.

2018/2019  Fall 2018
2017/2018  Fall 2017
2016/2017  Fall 2016
2015/2016  Fall 2015
2013/2014  Fall 2013
2012/2013  Fall 2012
2011/2012  Fall 2011
2010/2011  Fall 2010
2009/2010  Fall 2009
2008/2009  Fall 2008
2007/2008  Fall 2007

High School Market Share (Fall Term Only)

Provides the number of public High School graduates from Valenica College's Service District, Orange and Osceola counties, the number enrolled at Valencia College, and the percent enrolled at Valencia College for 3 years.  Also provides the  number and percent change for Fall compared to same period one year ago.  High School graduate data is provided by DOE School Diploma & Certificate reports; enrolled graduate data comes from Valencia College's Banner data.

2016/2017 (interactive)
2015/2016  Fall 2015
2014/2015  Fall 2014
2013/2014  Fall 2013
2012/2013  Fall 2012
2011/2012  Fall 2011
2010/2011  Fall 2010
2009/2010  Fall 2009
2008/2009  Fall 2008
2007/2008  Fall 2007

International Student Enrollment


Student Characteristics Report by Academic Year (End of Term)

Characteristics of students broken out by various categories:  FTAV, FTIC, Admission Status, Mandated Status, Ethnicity, Age, # Credit Hours, Resident County & High School for current term and same timeframe previous year. Report is produced for Beginning of Term and End of Term.

2010 - current Student Characteristics (Interactive)